Genesis Process International 

Bringing hope to addicted people worldwide by providing Genesis Process education, training, materials, and counseling.   

The epidemic of addiction respects no borders, but access to treatment is extremely challenging for many in our world.  As the non-profit division of Genesis, GPI is committed to making relapse prevention accessible to all people, so that anyone who wants to change can become able to change. 

GPI is completely run by volunteers.  Would you consider partnering with us in this work through prayer and financial support?  

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Current projects needing your support:

In Ukraine

We are working with Genesis missionary, Alison Giblett, to translate materials, set up change groups, and train facilitators for local churches to bring hope to those whose lives have been uprooted through war.  The Ukrainian edition has now been translated!  Now is the task of final editing and publishing.  

In Spain

We are working with Ace Gentner in Granada to set up Change groups, oversee Genesis counseling in Spain, and to bring Genesis into the prison system and homeless services.  Ace is also translating the Genesis workbook into Spanish, and will be working on the change group videos later this year.

CURRENT NEED:   $3,000 for translation work and travels.   

In Africa

Genesis launched in Africa in April of 2023 when Dean Perry went and trained 30 ministry leaders.  Since that time it has been introduced to 24 countries, over 200 international leaders, and pastors, police and counseling services of local communities.  There are many opportunities for our Africa coordinator, Richard Matundura, to speak at conferences and to communities leaders.

CURRENT NEED:  $5,000 for Genesis materials available in English and local languages, and transportation costs for Richard's travels.  

Translations under development

Korean:  Change Group workbook:  Completed!

Ukrainian: Change Group workbook: final edits.

Spanish:  Relapse prevention workbook:  In process. Estimated release is January, 2024

Swahili: Genesis worksheets:  In process

Hindi:  Workbooks:  Completed! 

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