Genesis Story: Mark
Jul 02, 2019
The following is a real life example of how God used the genesis process to transform a life.
My experience with Genesis taught me what my heart really is and that it has been distorted by being born into the World. This was caused both by the disfiguring effect of my human relationships and my own choosing. I learned that my heart is the instrument that God gave me to communicate with Him and each other and that I can easily fill it with things not of Him; that doing so is the nature of sin.
This would have sounded elementary or even pretentious to me before Genesis. But the knowledge I have gained is heart knowledge; not the head knowledge I’d sought. I cannot adequately express the gravity of the difference between the two. No other world-view or religion I’ve been involved with (I’ve tried several) or personal study with introspection did or ever could have led me to where I am now. This program is truly inspired by God Himself, funneled through a man who allowed himself to be used. I can hardly believe I am saying that, skeptic that I was.
Most of all I learned that changing my heart according to God’s will is not only possible, but that it takes work and human relationships, especially the ones with my dear brothers in the Genesis group. This has given me great hope about my future on Earth and in Heaven for the first time since I can remember.
Genesis for me has made the bible make sense because it led me to understand it isn’t about details that Christians argue about: How long were the six days of creation in Genesis? The dichotomy between works and faith? These arguments simply don’t matter if your heart is right with Him. I am eager to continue chipping away at the distortions of my heart to make it an available place for relationships with others and most of all Jesus, for whom I now genuinely yearn. This will be a lifetime task. Yes; being born again is real, but that happened to me a long time ago. I have finally begun the work, motivated by hope and a new sense of peace and certainty.
Finally, I learned about addictions, that they can assume almost any form; that they fill up that void inside me, if I allow them. I also learned that cravings, A.K.A temptation, can actually go away if my heart is in the right place. For me this is true whether the craving is for money, power, sex, fame, family, substances... the list goes on. Without cravings, or shall I say if I crave only for the Lord, following the Him is far easier, than the many path’s I’ve been on for over 60 years, some disastrous; because His yoke truly is light. I’ve read that so many times before but never believed it, until now.
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